Group Fitness and Emotional Wellness
Group Exercise saved my emotional health and wellness this year!! That’s a fact. It’s been a rough one but getting up, throwing my sneakers on and getting to class made me go from crying to laughing on lots of the days. It’s because we joke, confide, connect and love. We share playlists and births and weddings and grief. We know how each other’s families are, which exercise is the least and most favorite for each person and celebrate birthdays in a really extra way. We’re a family, a community, a supportive team. I am grateful for my work and feel blessed and super duper lucky to be able to do it.
Please know that this team of peeps is always welcoming. You are valued and seen in our classes. If you’re missing a community right now in your life, I promise that even if you walk into class feeling not your best or scared or just feeling out of place, you’ll leave smiling and chatting and feeling the love. Pinky swear. SoulShines might be the thing for you but if not, find a class that sounds good, try it out and see how it goes. It may take a few times to find the right one but when you do, you'll be so thankful!!!! Feeling socially connected is very important to your overall health and wellness. ❤️
Below is the schedule for this week - both in person and on Zoom. Sign up for your love fest by emailing me at
Monday: HIIT on the court and on Zoom - 8:15-9:15 am
Tuesday: HIIT Yoga Fusion on the court and on Zoom - 8:15-9:15 am
Thursday: PiYo @ The Athletic Club and on Zoom - 12-1 pm
Friday: HIIT on the court and on Zoom - 8:15-9:15 am
Shine on,
Jode xo
PS - do your 12 push-ups!! 👊🏼