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Create Yourself

Happy New Year's Eve, SoulShiners! If you participated in the Water Gallon Challenge, let me know how it went for you. Were you able to get the gallon in on most days? If you weren't able to drink that much water, did you at least up your intake? My goal with the challenge was to get you thinking about drinking more water. As long as you're thinking about it and trying to get more in then you're moving in the right direction. :)

Now onto 2018!!! As you reflect on the past year, have you found that you accomplished the resolution that you set for yourself last January? Now really is the perfect time to create good habits. Experts say if you want a New Year’s resolution to stick, keep it specific and tell your friends about it.

Before you make your resolution though, I'd like for you to do a little homework. Take some time to think about what motivates you and inspires you. What is your BIG dream that you would like to see accomplished in the next one, five or even 10 years? What key values drive you? What is your vision of what your future looks like?

Answering these questions will most likely help you gain a deeper understanding of what you want out of life. Go beyond figuring out your fitness, nutrition, and health goals. Map out your plan to improve your overall happiness and quality of life, creating more meaningful and sustained changes. If you were to write a mission statement for your life, how would you describe your goals and purpose?

****Now is the time to stop and think about your BIG dream. Literally, right now......GO!****

Now that you have your BIG dream in mind, create one resolution for 2018 to move you toward your life goals and purpose. I'm not really a fan of making huge resolutions at the beginning of a new year because big changes usually don't stick for me. Make a practical goal and know that if you fail you'll just need to move on and refocus...don't get discouraged!! Give yourself a week or two and then evaluate the resolution that you set. What did you do well? What did you do not so well? What are your barriers? What is not working that you need to change? How will you overcome your barriers? Remember every successful exerciser has a plan, makes their health and well being a priority, and takes action everyday.

Here's our SoulShine Schedule for this week:

********Cardio Dance will now be PiYo on Thursdays at The Athletic Club*********

Monday - No HIIT

Tuesday - PiYo at The Rec - 9:15-10:15 am (note time change for this week)

Thursday - PiYo at The Athletic Club - 12-1 pm

Friday - HIIT at Woodstock Rec - 8:15-9:15 am

Establish your compass, SoulShiners, and then find your path. Begin with the end in mind. Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.

Here's to a super successful 2018, CHEERS and BIG LOVE!!!!!!



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