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Do More, Live Longer!

"Sedentary is not an option for anyone. Being idle is as dangerous for your health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. Being active over the long haul requires a frame that is flexible, strong, durable, and balanced. It's all well and good to have "mirror muscles" or advanced running capability, but if your entire frame isn't in shape, you're a candidate for aches and pulls and sprains, for joint dysfunctions and arthritis, and for diminished mobility.

You have desires and expectations for the best of health, but you've also got responsibilities in securing and maintaining it. Being lean and beautiful on the outside isn't enough. You've got to have a structure that's going to support you tomorrow and the next day and the day after. The immutable truth is, people who do more live longer."

Nicholas A. Dinubile, MD

I really love this and it's so true. There are lots of healthy body shapes out there. Some are muscular, some are skinny, some are a bit soft in places, and some are a mix of all three. There are healthy people who only eat the cleanest of the clean and others, like me, who mainly eat good food but love a yummy slice and a beer (or two!!).

When I look in the mirror, I see some wobbly parts and things that used to be higher. BUT my goal is not to be super tight and magazine-worthy. My goal is to enjoy life, to eat well most of the time, and to sweat my ass off. My goal is to be strong. I want to be able to move for hours, to balance and jump and twist and reach and fall and do cartwheels. I want to have legs, a core, and arms that propel me. The "mirror muscles" are not the ones that I need or want. The muscles that I need and want and work hard for are the ones that will keep me moving 40+ years from now. Sedentary is NOT an option for me and I really hope that it's not for you.

What's your plan for this week? Are you going to move a bunch? Are you going to drink a ton of water? Will you spend some time preparing your healthy menu to keep your beautiful body well fed? I hope so because really, you will feel so happy with yourself when you do.

Here's our SoulShine schedule for this week:

Monday - HIIT at Woodstock Rec - 8:15-9:15 am

Tuesday - PiYo at Woodstock Rec - 8:15-9:15 am

Thursday - Cardio Dance at The Athletic Club - 12-12:45 pm

Friday - HIIT at Woodstock Rec - 8:15-9:15 am

Now's your time to decide how to spend this week. Pull out your planner and make time for exercise, make time for YOU!




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