Sleepy Glutes?
Hey SoulShiners! Are your glutes on vacation? If your glutes are forgetting what to do and when to do it, then your body really won’t be...
find your POWER!
Change. It isn't easy. It's tough to not reach for the fridge handle at 9 pm or open a box of carbs during the afternoon witching hour. ...
Healing Myself
Here goes. I have this thing called EoE. When we were in Hawaii in Feb, we were at dinner one night with some good friends. Food got...
Heart Health
Cardiovascular exercise involves the use of large muscles in a repetitive fashion, activating muscle fibers programmed for endurance and...
Summertime Schedule
Hello SoulShiners! We're almost there...SUMMERTIME!!! I'm putting together our schedule now and want to take a little survey to see who...
Power Pose
Good morning, SoulShiners! Every single day I see people on their cell phones walking, sitting, and standing with their heads bent...
Happy Mother's Day!!
"All parts of the body, if used in moderation and exercised in labors to which each is accustomed, become thereby healthy and well...
Intrinsic v. Extrinsic Motivation
Happy Sunday, SoulShiners!!! I hope that you’ve had a great weekend…Saturday was a beauty! A big, fat congratulations to Kim Kranz on...
Undeniable Fantastic Supplement!
About a month ago, I bought a bottle of apple cider vinegar after reading an article touting it's long list of health benefits. You know...
Happy Sunday!
Hey ladies and gents!! Happy Sunday!!! I'm still in the sunny south and having a blast but I'm missing you too!! Lots of really amazing...