Handling Stress
Hello to all of you. These past few weeks have been very difficult for some of the people whom I love - including myself. I woke up...
xo take good care xo
Hey team! I hope that you're having a great weekend, getting things accomplished, and making a wellness plan for the week. Now's the...
Portion Control
Happy Sunday and happy fall to all of you amazing people!!! This week I'd love for you to think about your portion sizes when eating. ...
SoulShine Schedule
Yo peeps!!! Happy Saturday!!! Hope that your week has been full of success, motivation, and a deep easy feeling. I'm working toward...
let your SoulShine!!
Hey happy people!!! What a scorcher today is!!! I'm soaking up all that our lovely state has to offer....no complaints here. :) Our...
Schedule Change :)
Hey peeps!!! Happy Sunday to you!!! This week is going to be amazing, I just know it. I haven't taught Cardio Dance is a long time so...
SoulShine Slim Down!!
Hello, SoulShiners!! Wow, here we are with August fast approaching and summertime in it's full and glorious swing! If you’ve spent this...
Tend To Your Wellbeing!!
Happy Sunday, everyone!!! Just like we tend to our gardens and our lawns in the summer, we need to tend to our bodies and minds now too! ...
Choose Happiness Now!
I just read a quote that really spoke to me...."Don't try to improve the essence of who you are. Who you are is good enough and whole...
Care, Clear, and Connect!
Hey Peeps!!! I hope that your weekend has been super awesome! We were able to dance our asses off yesterday at a little live music,...